Hong Kong airport control tower

每兩個月就會去一次香港機場。這次從候機室向外拍了幾張, 再加上網上搜來的幾張圖片, 剪剪貼貼做成模型。
塔台除了這個之外, 也還有另一個塔台立在旁邉, 是做為備用塔台。無圖, 改天再做。

I always have to go to the Hong Kong International Airport every 2 months. There are 2 impressive towers standing inside the airport. This time, on the 6th day of March, I went there for going back to Taiwan as my short vacation. 
I just tried to take some tower photos than on that day and I fixed some for Sketchup photo using last night. Here are two photos of the main control tower. And here is the link of my model:  http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e8e91c7459f71be3967150fdf65b371a&prevstart=0

2010年3月6日被收入Google Earth圖層。



