
目前顯示的是 4月, 2011的文章


右方為邀請人李小新老師   在高雄正修科技大學李小新老師的邀請下,當天出席了該校的"3D 文化資產科技領域業界專家協同教學授課課程"。 做為"專家"的身份出席,著實有些不好意思。只能說我在這項領域的這個部份玩得比較熱衷而已,成為專家的話可能還需要很多的努力。所以對於李老師的邀請,只能誠摯地表達謝意。 另,如在課程中所提到的:歡迎各位同學來信,關於課程上的問題我會儘可能回覆。

Materialized Model of the Crescent Moon Spring

Materialized by Elaine Kao(Canada) Materialized by Elaine Kao(Canada) A couples weeks ago, Elaine Kao from Canada, asked me for my Sketcup model of  Crescent Moon Spring  by e-mail. She asked me for providing her the Crescent Moon Spring SU model as reference. After all, a Chinese ancient building model would be cool there. It's really cool! For me, I never thought about making my models into materialized  ones . As an amateur modeler like me, it's not a n ecessary work, I thought.   So when Elaine requested, I agreed  readily . But not only it's cool, but the more what Elaine do are all perfect!  Here  is the link about her works. I've been one of one of her fans.   _______________________________________________________________________ 幾星期前,遠在加拿大的Elaine Kao以郵件方式向我提出請求。希望我可以提供 月牙泉SU模型 做為參考。畢竟在加拿大西方學生為多數的建築系學生建築實體模型作品裡,能有個中式的古建築出現,會是件很酷的事。 的確是很酷! 對我來說,我從來沒有想過要將我的模型實體化。做為一個業餘的建模興趣者的我來說,實是力有未逮。所以Elaine Kao提出的要求,我也就爽快地答...